• Evaluation on the basis of :

  • Periodical Test : Three Periodical Tests during month of August, October and February.

  • Half Yearly Examination : Half Yearly Examination during month of December.

  • Final Examination : Final Examination during month of March for class VI and VII. Final Examination during month of April for class IX and XI.

  • Reports Cards of weak children will be retained in the offce of the Principal. Parents are requested to come and discuss the reports with the Principal within a week of the distribution of report cards failing which the child will not be allowed to attend the school. A child who fails twice in the same class will not be permitted to continue his/her studies in the school.



  • The student will fully respect the school's endeavour to promote integrity and ethical behaviour on all fronts.

  • Any attempt / inclination to cheat, lie, distort or manipulate will be dealt with severity by the school.

  • All work assigned by the school i.e. Homework / Assignments / Projects / any other must be sincrely and diligently attempted by the student.

  • Students are encouraged to understand the keywords / concept and attempt re-writing the material in their own language.

  • We expect students to bring on unethical / dishonest act to the attention of teachers and Principal without delay and fear.

  • The School will appreciate and applaud honesty of behaviour and thought and uphold it as brave and rightful behaviour.


  • In the light of each day at school being unique and incapable of being replicated again, we urge parents to ensure that their wards are present everyday. We expect students to be conscientious about daily attendance too.

  • The class teacher must be notified through the leave record section of the school almanac, in case of illness or non-attendance of school.

  • For leave exceeding a day, Principal's prior permission is mandatory.

  • Any leave on health grounds must be supported by a medical certificate. The school reserves the right to verify the validity of the certificate.

  • In case of any infectious or contagious disease, we advise quarantine till full recovery. The student will be required to produce a medical fitness certificate to rejoin school.

  • No after-test leave is allowed on the weekly test day for any reason. In case of a truly unavoidable reason, the Principal's permission is mandatory.

  • 75% minimum attendance is mandatory to appear for Half-Yearly and Annual Examinations.

  • No student will be allowed to leave the school on his / her own for any reason.

  • The school is committed to ensuring safety of students with co-operation of both students and parents.