MSS welcomes active participation by our parents in the development of good learning habits for our students.The Parents Association (PA) plays a very active role in making our community and our school a better place to be in. If you are a parent and if you:... are interested in getting to know other parents and guardians or... would like to help and be more involved in your child's/children's school experience or have any comments or suggestions that pertain to the well-being of the whole school community then please come and meet us at our monthly Parents Meeting and can mail us on Parents C corner.
is a world-class library. The library facility is at the heart of our school community. It enables, encourages and empowers teaching and learning for all members of the school community. The role of the library is to provide a dynamic and flexible space that is innovatively designed with best practices and research in mind where students can explore and use various resources in different formats. They are encouraged to grow and become passionate learners and individuals where the world of knowledge opens up to them. The available resources offer an amazing variety of learning experiences for all ages as it comes from a variety of sources, within India and abroad.
The PTA members are the goodwill ambassadors for the school and are responsible for providing a supportive role to the school when the wider community is involved. The PTA, also, has the responsibility to identify and promote awareness of safety problems in collaboration with the school and to help develop solutions.
The RCIS / RIS / RT Parent Teacher Association is a body consisting of members who are parents of existing students (Grades 1-10) and teachers of the school.
Each parent of a student shall be a deemed member of the PTA.
There will be no annual PTA membership fee
Chairman - Principal of the school
Vice Chairman - from Parent(1)
Secretary - from Teaching Staff (1)
Assistant Secretary (2) - 1 from Parent and 1 from teaching staff
Members - 1 from every Grade (Parent), 1 from every Grade (teaching staff)
The School invites nominations from parents who would like to be members of the PTA Executive Committee.
The Nomination forms are available in the School office, and should be collected between
All nomination forms should be submitted to the school office between
If more than one parent nomination is received for a Standard, then the selection of the EC member for that Standard will be conducted via a lottery system.
The selection via lottery will be carried out on
The Executive Committee so formed will then elect the Vice-Chairman and Secretary through a vote.
Please note that members elected once cannot contest for the next five years
The committee stands automatically dissolved at the end of the academic year.
Parent Teachers Association (PTA) is a non-profit, non-political and non- sectarian organization made up of school staff and parents which work to support the school in a wide variety of ways.
The function of PTA is not only to help/ support the school in the development of students but also to provide help/support in the improvement and development of the school.
The aims and objectives of the association shall be:
To provide a platform for parents, guardians, and teachers of students of Rustomjee Cambridge International School to meet, exchange, make recommendations and support the school in implementation of decisions on matters affecting education/learning.
To foster mutual understanding, harmonious relationship and cooperation among parents, guardians, and teachers in the fulfillment of their common aim, the welfare of the school and the pupils/students therein.
To make for a healthy understanding of the policies and programs of the school and thus to create a suitable climate for implantation of the same.
Members, will at all times, during its deliberation and actions, work with proper conduct and respect to one another and to the school.
Each member must attend general meetings unless a member has a sound reason that will hinder him.
The period of Parents-Teachers' Association would be for one year. Any parent once has become the office bearer or the managing committee member, thereafter in the next five years; he/she cannot become the office bearer of the managing committee member.
Help School in any events outside and beyond standard School functions such as: Organizing intra school quiz competitions, science fair, community outreach, teacher appreciation event etc.
Provide an "ear" to the issues concerning the parent body at large and take it up with School management.
Solicit new ideas and suggestions from the parent body to help enhance the overall and all round education experience and work with the school for review and implementation of the same.
Build a sense of community at school through parental participation in school events.
Foster a relationship between parents, teachers, school
Rules and regulations/ roles and responsibilities will be constantly evolving and subject to review and changes based on the changing needs of children, parent and the teachers.
All PTA meetings will be held at the school. No meeting will be held under auspices of PTA outside the school or in a public place without the written approval of School.
The name of the PTA and the names of any members, in their official capacities, shall not be used in connection with any commercial concern or for purpose not related to promotion of the objectives of the PTA.
No PTA member will communicate with any outside organization or persons in their official capacities without express written permission of the school
The PTA shall not unreasonably contravene policies or decisions of the School
At no times will obnoxious, aggressive behaviour, abusive language or character assaults be permitted. In the event that such practices are indulged in, the PTA management committee member will not be permitted to attend any further PTA meetings. The decision of the school in such case will be final and binding upon the PTA and its members
The PTA is not a platform for personal advancement or as a means to score favours with the Management & Teachers.
No special treatment shall be meted out to any Executive Committee member. ALL Members shall follow ALL the rules and observe ALL the regulations laid down by the school, as well as those implied tacitly or explicitly by the school authorities- including entry into the school, timings for meeting teachers, coordinators, principal, director, etc. Parents should be modestly and appropriately attired at all times in the school.
No access to the Mailing List can be had under any pretext.
If any classes are taught or workshops conducted by members, then it is done purely voluntarily with no monetary or other remuneration expected.
PTA Meetings will be held on a six monthly basis.
Executive Committee meets will be once in three months.
Prior notice period of 1 (one) week for the meeting will be given to all members.
Members need to inform their points of agenda in writing to the Secretary at least one week (7 days) prior to the meeting.
Points not on the agenda will not be discussed during the meeting.
Quorum must include the Chairman, Secretary and at least 3 parents and 3 teachers of the Managing Committee.
All communication by PTA members in their official capacities will be addressed to the PTA Managing Committee only in writing
All communication by PTA Managing Committee members to the School will be in writing